Mainframe Days 2017

Mainframe Day 2017: Legacy and Mainframe modernization
De "NRB Mainframe Days 2017" zullen plaatsvinden op:
  • 18 october at the Hôtel Parc Belair,111 Avenue du Dix Septembre, 2551 Luxembourg
  • 19 october at the Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport Hotel, Da Vincilaan 4, 1831 Diegem
Na de welkomlunch en de introductie door een directielid van NRB, zullen verschillende sprekers dieper ingaan op het thema: "Legacy and Mainframe modernization" 
Het evenement zal met een drink afgesloten worden rond 18:00
De inschrijving voor dit evenement is gratis. Mogen we u evenwel vragen om u aan te melden via onderstaand formulier.


12:30 Welcome Lunch                                                                                                                                                                             
13:00 Mainframe missions at NRB  
  Pascal Laffineur, CEO NRB  
13:15 IBM Z platform - Strategy and Evolution   
  Adam John Sturges Beer - Director IBM System z Europe at IBM  
14:00 IBM Z to facilitate GDPR (and other regulation) compliance journey  
  Stefano Delle Chiaie - IT Solution Architect at IBM  
14:30 Including the mainframe in a DevOps software delivery environment  
  Rick Slade, Executive DevOps Solution Architect at Compuware   
15:10 Coffee Break  
15:40 Mainframe Innovation Tour (API enconomy, Hybrid Cloud, Enterprise Linux, Machine learning, Spark)   
  Frank Van der Wal - IT Solution Architect at IBM  
  William Poos, Head of Digital Transformation at NRB  
16:30 Legacy applications transformation    
  Paul Pilotto - Worldwide Solution Architect for Application Discovery and Delivery intelligence at IBM  
17:15 Case study legacy application 2.0  
  Sébastien Georis – Information System Architect at NRB  
17:40 Wrap up of the day  
  Henri Arnold, Division Executive Mainframe Services NRB  
18:00 Networking drink  



12:00 Welcome Lunch                                                                                                                                                                             
13:00 Positoning of NRB/Trasys activities in Luxemburg   
  Pascal Laffineur, CEO NRB  
13:15 Partnership IBM - NRB   
  Frédéric Robin - Country General Manager IBM Luxemburg  
13:30 Partnership Datacenter ETIX - NRB  
  Jörgen Venot - Senior Vice President Etix Everywhere  
13:45 IBM Z platform - Strategy and Evolution   
  Adam John Sturges Beer - Director IBM System z Europe at IBM  
14:30 IBM Z to facilitate GDPR (and other regulation) compliance journey  
  Stefano Delle Chiaie - IT Solution Architect at IBM  
15:00 Coffee Break  
15:30 Including the mainframe in a DevOps software delivery environment  
  Rick Slade, Executive DevOps Solution Architect at Compuware  
16:10 Mainframe Innovation Tour (API enconomy, Hybrid Cloud, Enterprise Linux, Machine learning, Spark)   
  Frank Van der Wal - IT Solution Architect at IBM  
 17:30 Wrap up of the day  
  Henri Arnold, Division Executive Mainframe Services NRB  
18h00 Networking drink




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