Press releases
Hospitals are facing considerable digital challenges and the need to innovate has never been greater.The flow of data to be processed each day is huge.Technological innovations helping hospitals to process data are currently available.For this reason, the finance and logistics departments of 50 hospitals were looking for internal process support.
Brussels, Herstal, the 11th of January 2017 – The integration of the Trasys Group into the NRB Group is accomplished and juridically concluded since the 1st of January 2017. And the NRB Group created the ‘European Economic Interest Grouping’ ‘Trasys International’.
The Board of Directors of NRB has appointed Pascal Laffineur as Chairman of the Management Committee. He will take up his duties on October 1st 2016, and thereby succeed Ulrich Penzkofer.
NRB obtained its ISO27001 certification after successfully passing the extensive audit of LRQA Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, the internationally acknowledged certified audit-institution. ISO27001 is a guideline for setting up a consistent and proactive information security management system within the company.
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