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The technology landscape is changing fast and is reshaping many industries at a pace that has never been seen before. Companies and public organisations need to innovate faster, to be more efficient, more agile, more customer-centric and to ensure their continuity and security. At NRB, we aim to support our customers in the running, the optimisation and the transformation of their business by offering a complete range of ICT services and solutions.

Des hôpitaux belges optimisent leurs processus financiers et logistiques grâce à SAP HANA implémentée par Xperthis

Les hôpitaux sont confrontés à de solides défis numériques et sont plus que jamais contraints à innover. Les flux de données qui doivent être traités chaque jour sont considérables. Il existe des innovations technologiques capables de les aider dans ce domaine. Les départements financier et logistique de 50 hôpitaux étaient demandeurs d'un soutien pour leurs processus internes.

De NRB-groep richt een nieuwe IT-divisie op die de expertise van Win en Computerland combineert. Arnaud Spirlet, CEO van Win, neemt de leiding.

Onder leiding van Arnaud Spirlet, CEO van Win sinds oktober 2024, ligt dit strategisch initiatief in de lijn van de ambitie van de NRB-groep om IT-oplossingen te ontwikkelen op maat van een markt in volle transformatie.


NRB Group creates a new IT division combining the expertise of Win and Computerland. Arnaud Spirlet, CEO of Win, to head it.

Under the leadership of Arnaud Spirlet, CEO of Win since October 2024, this strategic initiative is in line with the NRB Group’s ambition to develop IT solutions tailored to a market undergoing rapid transformation.



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Published on 22/01/2025

Under the leadership of Arnaud Spirlet, CEO of Win since October 2024, this strategic initiative is in line with the NRB Group’s ambition to develop IT solutions tailored to a market undergoing rapid transformation.

Published on 16/01/2025

This recognition highlights the various initiatives put in place by NRB to ensure the development of its employees in a fulfilling and motivating environment and to support them in their development prospects.




Cybersecurity is one of the main areas of concern for companies, aware of both the serious consequences that an attack can have for business and the degree of expertise necessary to establish a robust and effective line of defence.


With Copilot, Microsoft is providing its users with artificial intelligence that actively promotes business growth and profitability.This tool, with its vast and powerful capabilities, offers a wide range of functions, such as drafting documents, creating modern presentations or summarising key data in various Excel documents.

The positive effects are quickly visible: time savings, increased productivity and improved employee well-being, as mentioned in the independent survey conducted by Forrester Consulting in 2024.


Case stories

  • Magotteaux

    Magotteaux called on NRB to successfully migrate its Microsoft 365 tenant to its parent company, the Sigdo Koppers group.

  • Sibelga

    Discover how the collaboration between Sibelga and NRB, the operator of the Brussels gas and electricity distribution network, helps meet the new eco-respons

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