About ULg
The University of Liege (ULg) is the sole public, pluralistic and comprehensive academic institution of the French Community Wallonia-Brussels. It is part of the University Academy of Wallonia-Europe. It seeks to maintain a proper balance between teaching, research and activities serving society, within the major orientations that are linked to its status as a comprehensive university.
As it is situated in the centre of Europe, at the crossroads of the major axes of the Euregio, ULg attaches particular importance to its openness to the world. This determination is expressed in a series of concrete initiatives.
It is an active partner in a network of more than 600 universities with which it cooperates to promote exchanges of students, researchers and competencies. The ULg encourages its students to opt for an education with an international scope. This objective is supported by a broad promotion of studying languages.
As it wishes to open the horizons to the world for its researchers, as well as for its students, ULg encourages mobility through exchange programmes for students and professors, and has put in place possibilities for double diplomas and enhanced international scientific cooperation projects.
With three different sites (Sart-Tilman, XX Août, Val Benoît), the University of Liege is one of the largest in Wallonia. Its 3,200 employees (including 450 lecturers) accompany 13,000 students, of which 2,000 are foreigners representing a total of 78 nationalities.