About Apache ServiceMix
Apache ServiceMix is an open source project from the Apache Foundation. It is written in Java and offers an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). It is built upon APIs from the Java Business Integration (JBI : JSR 208) specifications, under Apache Licence. ServiceMix 5 also supports OSGI. ServiceMix is a lightweight component compared with other ESB.
Servicemix was launched in 2005 by James Strachan and Rob Davis from the company LogicBlaze. In 2007 the solution was released in version 3.0 and became an official project of the Apache Foundation. In 2009, version 4.0 brings major architecture changes in order to switch to a OSGI system.
The main contributors come from the company FuseSource bought up in 2012 by RedHat (editor of the Fuse ESB solution based on ServiceMix).