Monday 3 February 2020
"Resistance to change is probably one of the greatest challenges" Pascal Laffineur.
In an interview with Trends-Tendances, Pascal Laffineur, CEO of The NRB Group & Luc de Brabandere, corporate philosopher, talked about the challenges of digital transformation, but also the benefits of philosophy.

Here is an excerpt:
"Trends-Tend: Mr. Laffineur, as CEO, do you ever use philosophy in your professional activities?
Pascal Laffineur: (...) Luc opened up a field for me that I didn’t know much about - philosophy - but everything that relates to the human thinking and functioning has long been the core of my job. I am often asked the question: how does someone become CEO of a large company? I always answer that it's good to be an engineer to get there, but that it's better to be a psychologist to stay there. That's what my job is all about these days: solving problems between people, finding solutions, etc. I'm a psychologist. It's much more about human interactions than mathematical equations. So, to answer your question, I would say that the human sciences are absolutely necessary for the exercise of a CEO. On the other hand, the philosophical aspect is a little bit newer for me, I won't hide it, but it's a higher degree of understanding, of abstraction. And I think that's going to bring me a lot in the future."
To find their entire encounter in the Trends Tendance article, click here
The entire article is only available in french.
Cette news doit apparaître dans NRB dans la presse