About UNMS
The National Union of Socialist Mutual Health Insurance Funds (UNMS) is the federation of all the Socialist Health insurance companies of the country. It coordinates the activities of the various health insurance companies that are part of it, and represents and defends their interests before the public authorities.
These health insurance companies are active in the following three domains: medical-disability insurance, health care and allowances.
The Socialist Health Insurance is one of the largest health insurance groups in Belgium and is the number one in Wallonia.
Its mission is medical-disability insurance, supplementary health insurance, information and assistance. The Socialist Health Insurance is a social and political actor. It is based on the structure of a movement calling for voluntary participation within its decision-making bodies and its network of associations.
The National Union of Socialist Mutual Health Insurance Funds coordinates the work of 6 health insurance companies, which themselves manage the activities of 1,000 points of service and regional offices.