Six webinars to learn all about cybersecurity: registrations are open


Cybersecurity is one of the main areas of concern for companies, aware of both the serious consequences that an attack can have for business and the degree of expertise necessary to establish a robust and effective line of defence.

Aware of this problem, the NRB Group, winner of the “Cyber Company of the Year” prize at the Data News Awards, is organising a major meeting to detail all of the initiatives to be taken in the field of cybersecurity. Through six webinars to choose from, in French or English, organisations will discover the steps that lead to effective protection, including staff awareness, penetration tests and the regulations to respect at both national and European level.

During these conferences, you will have the opportunity to find out the secrets of deploying cybersecurity suited to your needs as well as to ask all your questions of our experts.

Register for the sessions of your choice


The webinar programme

"Govern" webinar on 25/9/2024 from 11:00 to 11:45 in French

"Identify" webinar on 09/10/2024 from 16:00 to 16:45 in French

"Protect" webinar on 06/11/2024 from 16:00 to 16:45 in English

"Detect" webinar on 14/01/2025 from 11:00 to 11:45 in French

"Respond" webinar on 06/02/2025 from 11:00 to 11:45 in English

"Recover" webinar on 13/03/2024 from 16:00 to 16:45 in French

Register for the sessions of your choice


CyFun & NIS2: master cybersecurity and ensure your compliance

Webinar language: French
Speaker: Vincent Ceriani
With the advent of digital technology, cyberattacks are increasing. The NIS2 directive requires organisations to strengthen their cybersecurity in the face of ransomware, data theft and advanced phishing attacks. NRB supports you in evaluating your systems, aligning your security measures with ISO27000 and Cyberfundamental (CCB) standards, and defining clear IT policies. Ensure the continuity of your operations and stay at the forefront of cybersecurity with NRB, your trusted partner.


Detecting the invisible: secure your business with web threat management

Webinar language: French
Speaker: Antoine Valente
Dive with us into the complex world of cybersecurity with our “Threat Management” service. Find out how we monitor the dark web and the clear web to identify and neutralise potential threats before they can harm your business. From detecting stolen credentials to clandestine forum discussions, we'll show you how our advanced technology and proactive strategies protect your digital assets. Don't miss this unique opportunity to understand how to stay ahead of cybercriminals!


Cyberresilience: when awareness sets in in your organisation

Webinar language: English
Speaker: Eva Protasiewicz
The advent of digital technology brings its share of cyberattacks. To face it, there is only one option: be prepared! The proactive approach is the best defence strategy when it comes to cybersecurity. Therefore, focusing on training and raising awareness among your employees is an essential step in strengthening their resilience in the face of cyber threats. What's the point of putting security measures in place if your employees don't understand them or aren't even aware of them?


Keeping your SOC Vigilant: strategies for Continuous Detection

Webinar language: French
Speaker: Frédéric Courtoy
Discover how to maintain an always-alert SOC. From proactive monitoring to fine-tuning detection rules, we’ll explore approaches to ensure threats are not overlooked. Join us to learn how to safeguard against cyber threats and keep your SOC running smoothly!


Ransomware: in the shoes of an Incident Responder

Webinar language: English
Speaker: Arnaud Rosette
Hit by a major cyberattack, a client was able to count on the expertise of NRB's teams to relaunch its activities. What were the moments after the attack like? What techniques have been put in place to ensure the relaunch of activities? And above all, what are the lessons to be learned?


Don't neglect the last line of defence: Business Continuity Management & Disaster Recovery Planning

Webinar language: French
Speaker: Jean-François Kin
In order to avoid accidents or limit their consequences, cybersecurity must be imagined as a set of lines of defence: prevention, to prevent exposure to danger, mitigation, to limit the consequences of a feared accidental event and recovery, to detect and recover from situations of loss of risk control. This third line of defence cannot be improvised! To ensure good risk management and meet regulatory requirements, it is therefore necessary to prepare as best as possible for crisis situations.


Register for one or more sessions

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