The economic value of the mainframe will extend beyond 2030, assures IBM... What if the mainframe simply cannot disappear?
The disappearance of the mainframe? The prediction has been known for several decades. In the meantime, the world is still functioning thanks to these central systems.Every year, 5 billion lines of application code are written. In total, more than 220 billion lines of mainframe applications are executed. Every second, more than 1.15 million CICS transactions are executed on system z. That’s more than all the Google searches, YouTube views, Facebook likes and Twitter tweets combined!
The story is not about to end. Neither is NRB’s commitment. Today, with 25,000 MIPS distributed in two Tier III+ data centres, around 50 System Engineers and more than 200 developers, NRB is the first mainframe competence centre in Belgium after IBM. For the story goes on. The interest in the mainframe has never been greater. Never before has the demand been so high...