Customer is king, with one exception

At TRASYS, we treat our customers like kings. With one exception. If we see that the business case for an IT project is missing or of poor quality, then we try to start a minor palace revolution.

There are several reasons why a business case is a paramount element of any IT project:

  • Major IT projects always require change management and user training to guarantee that the new solution is actually used consistently and efficiently. If the business advantages aren’t clear to everyone, it’s much harder to motivate people for change. In the worst case scenario, no one ends up using the new IT solution, which means a wasted investment.
  • Users want more than just a software tool – they want something that works and helps them specifically with their jobs. So it’s best to provide them with a business-oriented solution starting from their requirements and justified by a business case.
  • Everyone is convinced of the need for a close alignment between business and IT. Yet many projects overlook this simple principle. When the business side is asked about the drivers for an IT project, it often has a hard time explaining in clear terms what they are. So if the business cannot tell us, how can one convince the IT side that the project is a necessity and a priority?

We can write your business case

Most of the time, we’re able to convince our customers that a business case is essential to protect their investments and make a project a success. If required, we will actually write the business case ourselves, through close teamwork with the customer.

Besides templates, we have business consultants specialising in different domains such as security, sustainability and EHS management, supply chain management, project & service management, mobile services and Big Data as well as solution consultants with expertise in in SAP (GRC, EHSM, logistics, eWM, Solman). They know the trends, benchmarks, best practices, industry averages, lessons learned. All this know-how guarantees a realistic business case with a convincing return.

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