
Friday 25 January 2019

In line with the "coup de poing pénuries" operation launched by Minister Pierre-Yves Jeholet, Vice-President and Walloon Minister of Employment, Training and the Economy, the NRB Group is setting up the "Software Academy by the NRB Group", a training course in IT development, organised in partnership with Le Forem and Technifutur, with at the end: an employment contract.

The rest of the article is only available in French (…)

Monday 26 November 2018

Today, Michael Boeckx is performing his first day of work as Chief Technology Officer at the NRB Group, one of the leading providers of ICT services and solutions in Belgium. In this role, he will be directly reporting to the CEO.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

After two years of experimentation and the completion of the certification process, NRB becomes Standard Consulting Partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS).


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