NRB and the University of Liège (ULiège) combine their expertise to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) for companies and the public sector in Belgium and internationally

Wednesday 3 July 2024

NRB and ULiège have joined forces to create a Chair dedicated to the research and development of AI and, more specifically, LLMs (Large Language Models).

The collaboration will make it possible to develop new applications based on this technology, so as to accelerate its adoption by public and private organisations.

As a result of this strategic partnership with ULiège, NRB will be strengthening the range of exclusive services it offers its clients by developing advanced AI technologies, such as large language models, with and for them.

NRB has a complete and competitive technological ecosystem and ULiège has a scientific group of high-level AI researchers and engineers, who are recognised in Belgium and abroad, making our duo a force for scientific and industrial innovation. This collaboration with the University of Liège not only enables us to strengthen our AI capabilities, but also to forge essential links between the academic and economic spheres, with a particular emphasis on training, which is essential if we are to master the technological challenges of the future”, explains Laurence Mathieu, CEO of NRB SA.

This new partnership with ULiège will strengthen the various AI initiatives and ultimately position us as a key player in this market.


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