IT speed dating: meet our recruiters and find out what NRB has to offer you


Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, the cloud, digital transformation: IT plays a key role in modern society. Are you passionate about these issues? Take part in the speed-dating event organised by NRB in Charleroi on Thursday 6 June and discover all the opportunities we can offer you.

The Managed Staffing team is constantly on the lookout for new talent, capable of exporting our know-how and expertise for short or long-term assignments. NRB's consultants embody the company's values of listening carefully to customers' exact needs, keeping abreast of technological innovations and finding the ideal solution as quickly as possible.

NRB is organising a speed dating event on Thursday 6 June at the Vander Valk Hotel in Charleroi to identify new IT talent. Between 3:30 and 5:30 pm, our recruiters will be meeting a large number of candidates with a view to strengthening the Managed Staffing team. They will show you all the opportunities that a solid, experienced company can offer you, whether in terms of career development, training or technological challenges.

If you are looking for a new challenge or a unique offering on the IT market, don't hesitate to register. Don't delay, places are limited! 

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