#SmartCities, great idea ! But what is in it for the citizen ?
Regional and local authorities have a crucial role to play as the facilitators of the #DigitalTransformation of their territory. New smart tools as well as integrated data sources enable them to create a momentum, an environment that supports the digital transformation of their administration, their enterprises and their citizens.
Still, the smart and connected city will only be efficient if plainly supported by its citizens! Every single city, municipality, village is in need of a real civic commitment to boost its #DigitalTransformation. And this is precisely the topic that 'Café Numérique Liège' will address during its next edition.
Solutions that take into account the ageing population, shared models for private transport and logistics or solutions that simply improve the quality of our daily life: discover how the use of new technologies will profoundly change the face of your town.
Join us and see how your involvement will contribute to the advent of tomorrow’s #SmartCities!
Event in French. Registration is free but the amount of available places is limited.